Having a sparkling beautiful pool isreally part of the California dreamlifestyle and to maintain that you canget great help from Payan Pool Servicewhich is why I'm kind of going behindthe scenes today with Javier Payan ownerand founder of Payan Pool Service to really talk about thedifference because Payan Pool Serviceis not like the competition solet's talk about why notWell thank you, Jordan, thanks for having us here soyou know not all pool companies arecreated equal you know it's reallysimple like the point of entry into apool business route is it's pretty lowpretty easy pretty low you just need atruck and a net and you're in businessbut there's really like for a pool likethis you know there's a great familythat that lives here they use the pool alot you want to make sure that the poolis safe that it's healthy I mean thefamily at this particular location isgoing to really have many years ofenjoyment and you want to make sure thatthings work when they need to work andsystems can be very complex and we put alot of time into our employees so thepool system worksYeah the pool systems are are there's a lot of liketrunks involved gas heaters you knowpool pumps the whole thing soour technicians are trained on how toproperly install it how to properly useit and should something go wrong we knowhow to fix it which is so importantAnd let's talk about the regular training asyou do because I was even at a staffmeeting this morning to check out whatkind of
Yeah so on any given year we probablyput in about 40 hours of ongoingtraining for our average servicetechnicians and by comparison you knowwhen I talk to my peers there's reallyno training format they just they'rereleased out into the wild as to say andthen they're just expected to do theirjob but there's really a tremendousamount to to learn and we learn everyday and we try to communicate that fromthe top down so that our employees havegot the tools and the resources do thebest possible job and then of coursethat leads into the professionalism thatthey bring out to each home and just theway that the business has even run theirdesire to have that education go such along wayAnd you know Payan Pool Service is such a professional company which is also very unusual for the poolmaintenance industry and again youknow the point of entry is very low barset very low and so we don't reallysubscribe to that way I think we thinkthere's one way of doing business that'sthe right way having trained employeesinvest in their education invest insystems and processes so that we are thebest we can be so theand results is we are taking care ofpeople's California dream here so we canhave the California Dream and have thatbeautiful sparkling pool all year longget started with Payan Pool Service today